Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Dr. is in in 2011!, Update on LORAX

Whoa traders! A lot's happened while the Doctor has been away! Looks like the rules are changed, and you can now own more shares than before! If you're a faithful Patient, you already know what the Dr. did! Doubled- up on a little stock I prescribed back on Nov. 4 2010! Remember back then, the U.S. midterm elections were in full swing, and Dr. Movies was saying how everyone should load up on LORAX. Let's see what's happened since way back in the Autumn of 2010.

The Dr. was practicing medicine in a whole different city then, if you wanna know something. Now that I've taken up residence at a hospital near a quarry in the southeast U.S.A., I'm ready to start trading again.


Not too shabby so far, eh traders? Let's keep making money!


As for prescription refills for this session, I'll tell you what medicine the Dr. is taking himself. 1 out of 1 Dr. prefers it, and that 1 is the only Dr. you need, traders! SHORT THE GREEN LANTERN (GLANT)! This! Movie! Will! Fail!!!! It's up against some big blockbusters this summer and it's just the sort of movie to get lost in the mix: a really bad one! It's trading at around H$144 now and I expect it to end up around H$90 come Labor Day. As always, the Dr. will keep you abreast of any progress or changes in his portfolio's condition - you're in good hands.



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